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13.02.2023 RustyBrick Barry Schwartz Search Engine Roundtable

Jeff Ferguson On The Zero Click Google Study & The Future Of SEO

In part one, we go through Jeff Ferguson's long history in search marketing. In part two, we pick up with him starting his own agency. Then in part three, we talk about the state of SEO studies, and we end in part four with the zero-click study and how the future of SEO looks.

We spent some time pointing out the issues with the study, but at the same time, the intentions of the study were excellent. A lot of this I have written before, but he goes deeper into the issues he had with that study. Most of it was that people just took the headline as the default when it really is more nuanced than just that.

My issue was that Google didn’t refute the data in a strong way; it was just not enough.

To end, we spoke about the need for SEO in the long term. He said SEO would keep adapting, and the evolution would change a lot, like how TV changed. He said there wouldn’t be digital marketing in the future; instead, there would be marketing with digital aspects of it, but not digital marketing alone. He described how current job types would adapt and do SEO in the future, including PR departments.

In short, be ready to adapt to SEO - which is what the best SEOs have been doing since day one.

You can learn more about Jeff Ferguson at Amplitude Digital and follow him on Twitter @CountXero.

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